1. The Audit Report of the CRSI for the financial year 2019-20 could not be placed due to some unavoidable circumstance at the auditor’s end. However, it was decided that as soon as the report gets ready, it will be uploaded in the CRSI Website. Prof.Bimal Kumar Roy, the General Secretary, stated the status of the CRSI bank account (as follows) to get it noted by the attendees.
Balance as on 1 April, 2019. = Rs. 251139.62
Balance as on 31 March, 2020. = Rs.554934.00
Balance as on 14 December, 2020 = Rs.218483.00
2. It was decided that the election of CRSI new executive committee 2020-2022 should be done during the next possible physical meet, may be if at the next National Workshop or INDOCRYPT or the earliest possible. It was opined that election through VC is not a very justified process and hence the same existing Executive Committee should continue till the next earliest physical meet. It was also decided that for the time being, two lady members (out of four suggested names) may be inducted in the EC on ad-hoc basis. The suggested names are Dr.Sweta Agarwal (IIT Madras), Dr.Bhavana Kanukurthi (IISc), Dr.Arpita Patra (IISc Bangalore) and Dr.Arpita Maitra (TCG Crest).
3. LNMIT, Jaipur will be the host of the INDOCRYPT 2021 under the aegis of CRSI. Names of the proposed Programme Co-Chairs are 1) Prof. Bart Preneel (Belgium), 2) Prof.Avishek Adhikari (Presidency University) and 3) Prof.Manoj Prabhakar will select someone from Theory Domain.
4. The National Workshop 2021 will be held at JNMC Shimoga as they failed to organise in 2020 due to the pandemic scenario. To be noted that IIT Jodhpur also appealed to be the host.
5. The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore will host the next Instructional Workshop 2021.
The meeting ended with Vote of Thanks.
Sd/- Bimal Kumar Roy, General Secretary, CRSI.