CRSI has three levels of memberships for individuals interested in Cryptology and allied fields of study — Life Member, Associate Member and Student Member. Based on eligibility and preference, Individual Membership is offered at each level.
Institutional Membership is offered for Business houses, Educational/Research institutes and Government organizations.
Membership Information
Life-time membership of CRSI provides a member with his/her due voting rights in the Society. In general, only Academicians and Professionals are eligible for life membership, and CRSI reserves the rights for any exception..
Associate members of CRSI do not have any voting rights in the Society. In general, only Academicians and Professionals are eligible for associate membership, and CRSI reserves the rights for any exception.
Student members of CRSI do not have any voting rights in the Society. In general, students from Indian academic institutions are eligible for student membership, and CRSI reserves the rights for any exception.
Individual Membership dues are Rs. 1000 for Life Membership, Rs. 150 per year for Associate Membership, and Rs. 100 per year for Student Membership. Application for new membership will be processed only after the full payment for life members, or the...